Deze prent van of uit de school van Romeyn de Hooghe is te vinden in het boek Toneel des Oorlogs van Lambert van den Bosch (op zjn Latijn: Sylvius) uit 1675. Eigenlijk spreekt de titel wel voor zich: het is geen echt geschiedenis boek, maar een collage van verdragen, naamlijsten en krantenberichten. Hier op google books te vinden.
The above pic comes from a book of the year 1675 by Lambert van den Bosch (aka Sylvius). It's a kind of history book with lots of details on captains, colonels, politicians, treaties, the evil Munster and French, but also negotioations. Sylvius used to be a head teacher in Dordrecht but was fired because of his alcohol consumption by Cornelis de Witt, which probably was one of the reasons he was against de Witt and pro William of Orange. He is described as a man who wrote a lot, translated a lot but was a lousy poet.
The book in dutch (and the pictures) can be found here.
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